Amber Mustain Amber Mustain

3 Keys to Building a Floral Team

As I sit here and write this, I am filled with such gratitude for each of these amazing ladies. Building a team is the foundation of a successful business. I LITERALLY could do NONE of this without them. So, how do you support, train, and retain a wonderful team?

Three Keys to a successful team


    This flowering business is not for the faint of heart. It’s long days, heavy buckets, and lots of sweat and sometimes tears. I don’t always have consistent work for my girls, but I build it into my proposal to pay them a wage that is higher than most when I do have work. I also take them to dinner! No one works well hangry!!


    You can not expect your team to want to work for you if you have not instructed them and taught them the things you’d like them to know. Even if they have floral design experience, everyone does things differently and you have to communicate that to them. You can’t be everywhere so you must educate them in different situations so when things arise on-sight, you have equipped them with the knowledge and confidence they need to make good decisions that represent the company well. When you have trained your team well, it allows them the freedom to grow, and you the opportunity to not feel the need to micromanage.


    Weddings and events can be unpredictable, but you, as the leader, don’t want to be the unpredictable component. Have systems, schedules, rules, dress codes, etc. Let your team know what is expected up front so everyone is on the same page. Also, just because you’re the boss doesn’t mean others may not have a better idea. That’s what makes teams great. Take the ideas and thoughts of those working for you seriously and use them. Let me tell you, my 17 year old daughter has had some great rear-end saving ideas over the years!

My greatest advice for you though is to love your team well. See them, encourage them, laugh with them, and tell them THANK YOU!! You cannot do this job alone and finding new help all the time is a time and money pit. I am so grateful for the ladies who work with me each season. They are the absolute best!!

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Amber Mustain Amber Mustain

How to Start a Floral Business in 5 Easy Steps

How to Start a Floral Business in 5 Easy Steps

So you want to start a floral business (or become a freelance florist) – but starting a business can be overwhelming! If you love floral design but feel completely lost when it comes to the business basics of running a floral design studio, this is for you.

In this post you’ll find everything you need to set up and establish your floral business! (Plus, a bonus checklist (link to download) to help you keep track.)

So you want to start a floral business (or become a freelance florist) – but starting a business can be overwhelming! If you love floral design but feel completely lost when it comes to the business basics of running a floral design studio, this is for you. 

In this post you’ll find everything you need to set up and establish your floral business! (Plus, a bonus checklist (link to download) to help you keep track.)

How to Start a Floral Design Business

1. Create a business plan. 

We’ve all heard it, but it’s worth repeating: If you fail to plan, you can plan to fail. This doesn’t have to be big and scary though! A simple one-page business plan is enough if you have the right pieces. So what does your floral design business plan need to include? 

  • Define your target market so you know exactly who your audience is (aka who are you creating for and selling to?).

  • Take time to do a little market research. This will help you understand what your ideal clients are looking for, what your competitors are doing really well, and how you can create a business that stands out and is unique. 

2. Set up your accounting.

Ok, I get it. These steps might feel “boring” to you right now, especially if you’re drawn to floral design because you want to make a living (or a side hustle) doing something creative. But setting this stuff up now will make life much easier down the road! Set aside some time now to check these off the list (link to download) and you will thank me later when your business is flourishing.

  • Set up a separate business checking and savings account. This helps you keep your finances in one place - it’s an easy step that makes a big difference!

  • Apply for a sales tax license for your city and state. You can do this online, just google “sales tax license and (your state) to apply. 

  • Set up an accounting system. I like Quickbooks, but Wave is a free option that works great for freelancers and small business owners as well. 

  • Hire an accountant. Trust me, this expense is small in the long run. I highly recommend not skipping this step unless you’re very confident in your accounting abilities. 

  • Decide what forms of payment you will accept, and how you will process credit cards. 

3. Apply to work with local wholesalers. 

Start with a google search for “floral wholesalers in (your area)” and start reaching out to ask for applications. High quality florals at a wholesale price are a necessity for making a profit as a floral designer. 

4. Set up a client storage and workflow system. 

Honeybook and Dubsado are both popular among florists, but there are many options for keeping your client information and projects organized. If you are just getting started and plan to be a freelance florist you may be able to get away with a well-organized spreadsheet. 

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) programs can include many valuable features like: 

  • Billing and payment options

  • Accounting features 

  • Marketing capabilities 

  • Automated workflows (sending repetitive emails for you to save time on tedious tasks)

  • Invoicing/ contracts 

  • Organization of client contacts 

5. It’s time to get visible! 

  • Build a website for your floral design business. (Hint: don’t overthink this one.) You definitely need an online presence, but don’t waste tons of time and money on a website in the beginning. Something simple with photos of your floral design work, your contact information, and services you offer is a great place to start!

  • Reserve your social media handles. You certainly don’t need to be active on all the platforms right now… but you may want to be eventually. So choose a name that you can use consistently across all channels and reserve it on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. 

  • Register your business name. Make it official! 

There it is. Your floral design business in 5 easy steps! Yes, there are still a lot of things to do, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Just take it one step at a time… and don’t forget to download the free checklist (link to free download)  to make sure you don’t miss anything. 

Need more help launching your floral design business?

Check out Flourishing, the ultimate education for floral designers and freelancers.

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